Monday, September 3, 2007

Me + Formula = STINKY!

Boy, I had a lot of firsts this weekend. The most memorable one for me is my first time drinking formula. My Mommy's not feeling so good, and she's been putting up a great fight so that she can continue feeding me. Well, this past weekend it just got worse, Daddy even had to take Mommy to the ER at 4am! I got up to wish her a safe visit and Grandma and Grandpa put me back to bed.

So Mommy is on meds and I have to drink fake milk. It's not as good as Mommy's but a baby's gotta eat!

Other parents have joked about it, but now we know it's for real. Enjoy the time of breastmilk poopies. Once babies like me have formula or solid foods... Watch OUT!

I had a major expolsion and boy was it STINKY! Not just my usual smell, but 100x worse! Daddy smelled me from across the living room! Let me tell you, it was BAD. I almost made myself pass out! Poor Mommy had to clean up my mess. Good thing they have the diaper Genie!

My other "firsts" for this weekend are:

1) First two-syllable "word". I finally figured out how to link "words" together. Sweet-Ness!
2) First Rollover. Not like one of those overpriced and overweight SUVs. I rolled over from my back onto my chest - All by MYSELF! It's a big deal you know. I'll be crawling soon enough.

And Daddy helps me stand when he plays with me so I'm working on my legs. Just wait and see how fast I'll go when I learn to walk.

-Baby Max

1 comment:

Louie Family Weekly Updates said...

Auntie Wen - hope you're feeling better! Max - we love Cars too! Please come over and play soon! How about an early dinner on a weekday ... 6pm-ish? Please email us to set a date ;-)