Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year! First post for 2009.

I must apologize to all my family and friends.  I realize I've been slacking a bit in the blogging department, but all I can say is life has been very busy!  Mom and Dad are getting wiser in their old age and it's hard for a one and half year old to get his way these days.  Just a few examples:

You know how I used to get rocked to sleep EVERY night?  Even for my naps at home.  I was living large and in charge!  I had them in the palm of my hand when I was snoring away in their arms.  They must have talked to Lisa because now they put me right into my crib to fall asleep.  I mean, I have no problem with that, and it gives me a few minutes of quiet time to unwind, but I don't feel like I "own" them as much you know?  I guess I'll have to continue to rule the dinner table...

Also Mom and Dad used to do my puzzles for me, because they're made for 3yr olds and I pretended like I didn't know how to put them together.  But they're on to me, so now I have to do my own puzzles.  Can you imagine?  That's like a Hollywood actor doing their own stunts!  I got people for this!  Right? I mean I used to...

And Mom and Dad make me recite the alphabet ALL BY MYSELF.  I mean I refuse to do the whole thing... who has time for all 26 letters?  I just go up to F or G or whatever I feel like at the particular time.  But they used to say it for me, and now that they know I can say it myself, they don't help.  And Mommy got me this thing on the fridge with all the letters.  I know about 10 of them pretty good, but the others are just there for decoration.  Grandpa likes to ask me to bring him letters.  I think it helps him learn to read. 

I am also feeding myself because Mommy is getting lazy.  She used to literally spoon feed me every little morsel of her yummy cooking.  Now she just puts it in a bowl and I eat by myself.  For the most part.  I like playing with my food using the fork.  I'm also a HUGE fan of dips.  I don't mean those depressions in the road.  I'm talking ketchup, soy sauce, hummus.  I even dip my apple slices in water!  I just love dipping my finger foods.  It really adds a kick and brings out the flavor.

I had a pretty relaxed New Year's Eve, was out by 8pm as usual.  Don't worry, I celebrated New Year's on London time.  I think Mommy and Daddy had some champagne, but I stuck to my favorite beverage - milk!

Christmas was most excellent this year.  I got a TON of stuff.  I mean seriously, I thought we were in a recession?  I opened so many gifts my fingers got tired.  Well, not tired enough that I didn't also open Mommy's gifts and Daddy's gifts.  I even tried to open other gifts under the tree, but Mommy said they were for other people so I stopped.  I got a lot of really cool stuff from my Aunts and Uncles and Grandma and Grandpa.  My Aunt Christine got me Elmo's Restaurant which is super cool.  It has an oven and fridge and I hit the bell and it plays a song.  

Did I tell you I love to dance?  Oh yeah, it's one of my favorite things to do.  I got some pretty dope moves too.  I spin in circles until I fall down.  I wave my hands in the air (like I just don't care), I stomp my feet and sometimes get going really fast like I'm riding a bicycle downhill.  I love music, Lisa plays me a bunch of Chinese songs at daycare and Mommy got me some Chinese CD's too.  My favorite CD right now is a Sesame Street compilation Mommy burned for me off iTunes.  It has all my favorite songs on it.  Daddy had to make a second CD of the playlist because that's pretty much all we listen to in the car. See, I still own them!

Will write more next time.  Let's see if I can get on the iMac at least once a week.  Daddy kinda hogs it right now so it's hard for me to find some time online. Bye for now!
