Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My new Ride (Part 2): Classic Cruiser Silver Speedster!

This Christmas thing is really cool.  I got to dress up in  my Santa shirt and funny red hat.  It had a cotton ball on the tip, so funny!  Mommy got me some really cool blocks.  I can build with them, or I can just chew on 'em.  Daddy got me a talking doggy, but he's kinda scary.  I dunno, maybe I'll grow to like him over time.  My Grandma and Grandpa got me some fleece sleep outfits. My Uncle Barney got me some new clothes and a track suit!  Now I can be a real hipster and hang out in SOMA...

My buddy Oscar got me this really cool gift!  I can't believe he got it for me, that was so generous of him. This is my second "new ride", well... if you don't count Mommy!  The Silver Speedster is obviously inspired by the Auto Union (nee Audi) Type D racer.  Daddy's gonna get me  a "four rings" emblem for it.  I think I should also have my name on the side.  Mommy is not a big fan of me racing, but I'm a safe driver and I'm gonna get a little helmet.

I got my Mommy a Gore-Tex jacket from Swoosh.com.  I got Daddy the Orange Box for his Xbox 360. I didn't get anyone anything else cause I'm just a baby...

-Max the Ax

Saturday, December 22, 2007

New kicks: Nike Air Me!

So Daddy took a day off work and played stay-at-home-Dad for a day. I don't think he'll be doing that anymore. I was being a bit difficult, but you can't blame a little guy. My Mommy wasn't here, I wasn't feeling well and Daddy really threw off my schedule. I wasn't feeling the bottle today and I didn't eat for like 7 hours! When we finally got home I scarfed down four bowls of solid foods. Daddy tried to give me some water in a sippy cup, but I didn't like that either.

The one bright part of the day is that we spent some time at The Great Mall and I got to people-watch. I love watching people, especially other kids. I think they're funny and I make funny comments to Daddy when people walk by. You see all kinds of folks at the mall!

Daddy spent a TON of time at the Nike Store. I think he was having a hard time finding Mommy something cool. We finally left with only stuff for Daddy... and ME! I got another pair of shoes, and they're not Converse this time. Daddy got me some Air Max basketball shoes. I think he was jealous of how cute I would look, so he got himself a pair as well. Look at the difference!
We're going to play some one-on-one when I can walk. I think I can take the old man.
-Air Max

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm 6 months today - Shots and Santa

What a day! I'm officially 6 months old. Wow, that's quite a long time. I'm finally getting the hang of this baby gig. I'm pretty good at my job. Eat, sleep, poop, sleep, wake Mommy and Daddy up at 4am. I'm an expert by now. I wonder what the next 6 months will be like. I hear I'll be getting a lot of presents when I turn one. Start saving up now people! Max needs some new toys...

The one bad thing about getting older are the doctor's visits that come with it. Today was no different. Dr. Brown is a nice guy but I just wasn't feeling it. I mean c'mon, do I really need all these shots? I'm just a baby! Why you gonna mess up my perfectly plump thighs with some needle marks? I hate needles, they hurt like a mother! I had to get a bunch of vaccines and it was painful. Of course as soon as the male nurse was done, my Mommy picked me up. Whew! Safe at last. Sure I shed a few tears, but I'm a baby! I toughed it out though, I stopped hurting as soon as I was in Mommy's arms. And I knew they had another surprise for me...

So we drove to Mommy's office, and I thought, "Ok, time to look cute! Mom's just wants to show me off to the crew." No problem, part of being a baby is getting shown off. I got no problem with that! But when we pulled up to the lot, Mommy went to a different building. That's when I saw it... The Intuit Winter Wonderland Party! They had the Hogwarts Express out front giving choo-choo train rides. We went inside and there was the Harry Potter picture station, the Wizard Wand station, the Bertie Bott's (Jelly Belly) dispensary, and the roving witches and wizards, one of whom had a real live snake! Okay, so it was a bit much on the commercialism (Thanks WB!), but it was fun nonetheless. There was this old dude in a funny red suit and everyone was waiting on line to get pictures with him. I didn't see what the big deal was, but Mommy wanted me to get a picture as well. Check it out below.

I'm pretty cute huh? I'm on this dude's "nice list". This means I'm gonna get hella cool toys!

There were tons of other kids there, and Daddy got to try out some "Butter Beer". He's such a lush! Mommy did eventually take me over to her building and of course her co-workers all love me. I'm quite loveable you know. If not, check the pic again...

-Nice Max

First Track Day - for Mommy and Me!

My Mommy rocks! She did a hot lap of Sears Point, aka Infineon Raceway, in an S4 no less. 340hp of big thumping V8 power! I knew she was a good driver, but my Mommy's a racer!

It was part of the Audi Driving Experience and it was pretty cool. It was my first time at the track, but hopefully won't be my last. I was too young to participate, but Daddy did push me around in my PT Sport. And my Uncle Plato took care of me while Mommy and Daddy did some auto-x type exercises. Mommy rocked the emergency lane change (slalom) exercise. She was really fast and smooth - all signs of a great driver. Daddy was next and got the car sliding sideways! The instructors gave him a big thumbs down and said ESP saved his butt. The next time around he did okay, but I still think my Mommy is the better hotshoe.

I was hoping she would get the ride along in the R8 for "Most Improved Driver". She didn't, but that's probably because she's a pretty good driver to start with.

So when do I get to do some laps? Daddy is getting me a Recaro seat for my first birthday!

-Max the Axe

Monday, November 19, 2007

My new Ride: The PT Sport!

No, it's not a retro-wago-van made by Chrysler (Cerebus?). I didn't say PT Cruiser, I got a P&T Sport! That's Phil & Teds for those who don't keep up with the latest in baby rides. My Dad reads Autoblog, but I like wheels of a different variety.

I think I look great in it. The blue camo was a hard sell for Mommy but I think she likes it after seeing it in-person. Can you guess who picked the color? It's almost a match for my part-time ride, Daddy's WRX! I like Mommy's ride better, but the Scooby-Doo is fast and makes my head squish up against the SIP wings on my Peg. The ride of the PT is like Mommy's car, smooth, cushy and fast!

The best part is there is an extra seat for my friends Sammo and Tubs, or a future baby sister.

Not that there is any news to share. I want Mommy and Daddy all to myself for a few years!

-Max Attack

Thursday, November 8, 2007

First week at Lisa's

So this week was different. Instead of sleeping in late with Mommy, they are getting me dressed and sending me off to some lady every morning. Well, maybe not tomorrow. I wonder if this is gonna happen every week?

At least it was fun! I made some new friends at Lisa's house. She takes care of me during the day, but I'm not sure what that's called... There is another kid named Max, but I'm the cuter one so everyone calls me Baby Max. I guess he's Big Ugly Max. I dunno. Then there is this kid named Alex. He's half like me and half whiter. But he speaks Mandarin! No joke. That kid is funny. And then there's this other Chinese kid, but I don't know his name yet. He's kinda quiet.

This lady Lisa is cool. She holds me and feeds me and talks to me and stuff. But I miss my Mommy! Only Mommy knows how to hold me the right way. And Mommy gives me the BOOBIE! Gotta love that. I guess the bottle ain't bad, but man, I love me some boobies.

Monday was rough. It was my first day at Lisa's and I was totally thrown off schedule. I couldn't even poop! It was hard. Literally!!! Each day got better, I got more comfy there and today, I pooped THREE times. That's a lot, even for me. Poor Lisa. At least it's mostly breastmilk! Wait unti I have more solids. STINKY!

Lucky for me, tomorrow is Friday. That's the start of my weekend and it means Mommy's gonna play with me all day. TGIF!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

¿Quien es Mas Macho?

Yo soy Macho Max!

I'm a tough little guy. Mommy and Daddy took me to see Dr. Brown again. Last time I went, this nurse dude shot me up four times! It was not pleasant! I was guessing it would be more of the same this time, and unfortunately, I was right...

I did my usual checks, height, weight, head size. I'm pretty big for my age, 75 percentile in both height and head size - all that genius has gotta fit some how! - and 50% weight. So I'm a bit skinny for my size, but have you seen my parents? It's in the genes I tell ya!

After Mommy and Daddy talked to Dr. Brown he listened to my heart and left the room. This is when the man-nurse came back. And he had a tray with him! Four more vaccinations, luckily one was just liquid drops. It didn't taste too bad, but I had to spit some back out to show him who's boss. Si, soy más resistente que ti!

Then he pulled out the shots. Those needles were huge! If you had to get a shot with a porportionally sized needle as an adult, it would be about a foot long! And it felt like he stuck half of it in my thigh! I'll admit I'm a bit chunky there, but boy oh boy did it hurt. I tried to tough it out and not cry... but I'm just a baby! Waaaahhaaaaa! Mommy!

Last time Mommy said it hurt her more than it hurt me. I know it's hard for her to watch. We had Daddy this time and he held my hands. He also picked me up as soon as it was over so I felt a lot better.

I'm a tough little guy.

-Macho Max

Sunday, September 23, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

I don't know why other babies like to suck on their thumbs. I get so much more surface area sucking on my index fingers. They are quite tasty when I'm bored. The pacy is okay. Sometimes I take it, but I dig my index fingers. Mommy and Daddy thinks its kind of gross since I usually end up with saliva around my cheeks. Good thing I have them to clean me up.

I just started sitting on my new bebe pod. It's great! I can see the world around me and Mommy gets a break from holding me, since her wrist hurts these days because of me :(. I try to be good and play by myself on my activity mat and bassinet sometimes, but then I get bored. I like playing with other people better. My favorite play buddy is my Grandpa. He's fun. We're always having conversations, although I have no idea what he says sometimes ;) I also like this new sport called "Daddy surfing". Check me out, I'm getting really good at it.

I like getting changed. I giggle when Mommy puts a new shirt on me. I smile when Daddy wipes my butt. Those wipes are cold man! I like pooping on my outfits, it makes Mommy and Daddy smile. At least I think those are smiles...

I like sleeping on Mommy or Daddy, or at least being held to sleep. I get sweaty sometimes, but it's so comfy. I really don't enjoy sleeping by myself in the crib or co-sleeper. I get scared and have bad dreams. Why don't they just hold me all the time? I'm really cute, it should be easy.

I like all my new outfits. Mommy is so funny, she'll buy me anything I want. As long as it's cute, I just have to look at her with my puppy dog eyes and I get a new outfit. I even got my first tuxedo for my Uncle Barney's upcoming wedding. Wait till you guys see me in that thing. CUTE! All the ladies will be lining up for a piece of me. But I only have room for one woman in my life, my Mommy. ;)

I'll keep you all updated about other cool things I find as I grow up. I think I've still got a lot to learn even though I've been here for three and a half months. That's like a lifetime for me!

-Baby Max

Monday, September 3, 2007

Me + Formula = STINKY!

Boy, I had a lot of firsts this weekend. The most memorable one for me is my first time drinking formula. My Mommy's not feeling so good, and she's been putting up a great fight so that she can continue feeding me. Well, this past weekend it just got worse, Daddy even had to take Mommy to the ER at 4am! I got up to wish her a safe visit and Grandma and Grandpa put me back to bed.

So Mommy is on meds and I have to drink fake milk. It's not as good as Mommy's but a baby's gotta eat!

Other parents have joked about it, but now we know it's for real. Enjoy the time of breastmilk poopies. Once babies like me have formula or solid foods... Watch OUT!

I had a major expolsion and boy was it STINKY! Not just my usual smell, but 100x worse! Daddy smelled me from across the living room! Let me tell you, it was BAD. I almost made myself pass out! Poor Mommy had to clean up my mess. Good thing they have the diaper Genie!

My other "firsts" for this weekend are:

1) First two-syllable "word". I finally figured out how to link "words" together. Sweet-Ness!
2) First Rollover. Not like one of those overpriced and overweight SUVs. I rolled over from my back onto my chest - All by MYSELF! It's a big deal you know. I'll be crawling soon enough.

And Daddy helps me stand when he plays with me so I'm working on my legs. Just wait and see how fast I'll go when I learn to walk.

-Baby Max

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My first movie - Cars!

I love my Mommy and Daddy. They took me to my first movie tonight! We went to the last Los Altos Village Association presentation of Friday Night Outdoor Movie Night. Whew, that was a mouthful! That reminds me, the other day, I made my first two-sound utterance. I'll be speaking complete sentences soon enough. For now, I just think them and someone types for me. :)

So we say Cars! I use the term "saw" liberally since we only made it through the first ten minutes. Then I was tired and hungry so I started telling everyone around me these facts. Most people had kids too so they were pretty nice to Mommy and Daddy. Still, I was being a bit too loud so we had to go home. A kid's gotta eat you know!

I can't wait until my next movie date with Mommy and Daddy. Maybe I'll let them watch 15 minutes worth next time.

p.s. Daddy told me to use this picture, but I didn't see this Car in the movie. He said we'll get one of those one day. I want a Lighting McQueen though.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hello World! (Pt. 3) - my Red Egg and Ginger Party!

What an exhausting day! I had my big RE&G party at the Hokkaido Seafood Buffet near Daddy's office. It was so much fun seeing all my cousins and uncles and aunts and what-have-you's. I can't remember almost 50 names, I'm just a baby! Everyone had fun playing with me and filled their tummies with lots of good Street Fighter-style (all-you-can) eats!

For those who don't know, read a bit here about what this Party's all about.

So I waited a bit to throw the party, just to let Mommy and Daddy get some rest. I think I sleep up to 3 1/2 hours some nights! I'm just over two months old now, and everyone was saying what a big boy I am becoming! Cute too, but I'm too modest to say how often I heard that... (hint: 3 words, rhymes with "a kumquat".)

We went home with a bunch of cool gifts from my extended family. I got plenty of lysee for my college fund and even some bling-bling from my great-aunts. I'm probably a little too young to be rockin the gold chain, but I'll be doing my best Mr. T impression when the time comes.

I love my Mommy and Daddy. They threw me a party fit for a King! How fitting!

-Lil Emperor

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My first international Skype call.

So Daddy got me a Logitech QuickCam Messenger so I could chat with him when he's at the office. Daddy is there a lot, so this gives him a few minutes of joy during his long days hard at work.

I've done a few calls with Daddy last week, but today my Uncle Ducchi called. He's in Vietnam! This was my first international Skype call. It was kinda fun. He got to see how cute I am and I even made a little noise in my Pampers just to say Hi!

My Uncle Ducchi looks kinda like Daddy but with more hair and not as good looking.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daddy's first Father's Day.

Today is my Daddy's first ever Father's Day! I got him a really cool car... d. What did you expect? I'm still a baby! Mommy also helped me pick out a nice picture frame and put a pic of me and Daddy in it. He's going back to work in a few days so he can put it in his office so he won't miss me too much. My Dadddy works long hours, as does Mommy. But I have her for another 5 months!

We had dim sum this morning with Daddy and Mommy's Daddy. I was tired so I slept through most of it. I did offer to pick up the tab though.

Now we're back at Grandpa's farm and I've got wireless access here. Just wanted to put in a quick post before I go back to my day. Lots of poop to be plopped and naps to be caught. Later!


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Check out my first music video.

I've gotten a few requests for a video, so here it is. Check out my rhymes yo! I know how to put together a mean mix tape...

Please leave your comments on UToob! I hope you liked it. :)

-MC Max Qute

Visiting my Grandparents!

Well, it's Sunday. That means we're going to the farm to see Grandma and Grandpa! On the way, Mommy thought it would be fun to make another stop. I went to visit my Belgian Grandparents; the Palmans. I was sleeping, but they could still bask in the cuteness that is Max! I'll take some pictures with them next time for my blog. Papa Palmans is a big fan of my writing.

My Grandma and Grandpa live in Morgan Hill. It's totally country ya'll! I like it out here away from the hustle and bustle of the City (of Mountain View). I'm also building up my antibodies with all the wild flowers and grass 'round these parts. I'm hoping I don't have allergies like Mommy and Daddy.

My Uncle Barney is here too. I like chillin out with him, he's cool. He got Mommy a really nice camera to capture more precious moments of me. :)


Friday, June 8, 2007

3rd Day, Lots of "firsts"

What a day I'm having! Mommy let me sleep on her for a few hours, then Daddy did the same. I've never slept so well in my whole life. :)

Then we went for a little walk. I got to try out my new Mac stroller. It's pretty nice. We saw this older guy (6 mos.) with a red Bugaboo Frog. I think Daddy really wants one, but Mommy thinks it is impractical. The other Mommy said it was nice for Europe, but it's not so good for her here in the States. Mommy is right. She's always right!

After my first walk, we went home to get ready... for my first Doctor's visit! The Doc was a nice tall man. He checked me out and I passed all the tests. I'm getting good at these tests!

After that we went to Target! My first shopping adventure - Yeah! Mommy got some stuff for herself and I got some more clothes. I guess I'm smaller than M&D thought, so all my clothes are too big. Don't worry, I'm growing as quickly as I can!

More updates to come. Bye!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hello World! (Pt. 2) What a Birth-day!

Well the big day came and went. I decided to come out and see the world. Yesterday. 9:55am to be exact. I was 3264 grams, or about 7lbs 3oz. I'm 19" tall at the moment, but will be dunking a basketball soon enough!

Mommy was really brave and went through 13hours of labor without any help. Well, Daddy was there, but she didn't take any meds. My Uncle Ducchi thinks that's crazy. Most people get something, but I appreciate my Mommy's efforts of having me naturally.

Here is my FIRST picture. I've got some goop in my eyes from the Doc, but Mommy and Daddy look pretty happy to see me! I look like I could use a tan too...

I had a bunch of people come and see me. Grandma and Grandpa came with my Uncle Barney. I also saw Auntie Virginie, Tia Shanelle, Aunt Cynthia and "The Tri Guy" and finally Unky Chris, who just made the time cut off.

I just got home from the hospital earlier this evening. Had some dinner and now I'm off to dreamland. I got a really sweet crib, will have to post some pics later.

Here's me in my "going home outfit". I'm pretty cute huh?

-Baby Max

Friday, May 18, 2007

Getting ready already!

So Mommy & Daddy went to the doctor's office yesterday for my weekly checkup. The Doc was pretty cool and she tickled me on the head. That felt funny and now Mommy knows I'm getting ready.

I've been reading up on how Mommy's body gets ready for me by "effacing and dilating" and I'm doing my best to help. Looks like I'm already at 1.5cm, so the Doc was able to touch me! Only 2.5cm to go and we get to go to the hospital!

I think Mommy is really brave to consider not taking any medication for birth. I know I'm gonna be a bit of a pain coming out (Hey, this big brain needs a big head to hold it!), but I also know Mommy is really tough and if anyone can do it, she most certainly can.

Go Mommy Go!

-Baby Quan

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Daddy dented my Ride!

Last night, Daddy tried to be "helpful" as Mommy's sous-chef. Daddy is pretty good in the kitchen... when he's alone! Mommy is so much better!

Well, all I know is I heard a loud noise, then my room got smaller and very tense. I think Mommy was hurt! She later told me that Daddy dropped a metal lid on her foot. Can you believe it?! What a KLUTZ!

Now my ride's got this huge gash on it. Thanks Daddy, You Big Dummy!

I wonder if it'll buff out...

-Baby Quan

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hello World! - Henno Mommy.

So this is my first post. Fun, fun, fun! I am still hanging out inside my Mommy right now, but I've only got a few more weeks to go. Can't wait to see what the world has in store for me, besides all this water and background music; I really like the beat, it's easy to dance to.

It'll be Mother's Day this Sunday and even though I'm still very little, I decided to get my Mommy something. She doesn't know about it yet, so hopefully it will be a nice surprise. Daddy helped me order it off the Apple Store online. Check it out!

Cool huh? I know she'll love it!
Till next time folks.
-Baby Quan