Sunday, September 23, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things...

I don't know why other babies like to suck on their thumbs. I get so much more surface area sucking on my index fingers. They are quite tasty when I'm bored. The pacy is okay. Sometimes I take it, but I dig my index fingers. Mommy and Daddy thinks its kind of gross since I usually end up with saliva around my cheeks. Good thing I have them to clean me up.

I just started sitting on my new bebe pod. It's great! I can see the world around me and Mommy gets a break from holding me, since her wrist hurts these days because of me :(. I try to be good and play by myself on my activity mat and bassinet sometimes, but then I get bored. I like playing with other people better. My favorite play buddy is my Grandpa. He's fun. We're always having conversations, although I have no idea what he says sometimes ;) I also like this new sport called "Daddy surfing". Check me out, I'm getting really good at it.

I like getting changed. I giggle when Mommy puts a new shirt on me. I smile when Daddy wipes my butt. Those wipes are cold man! I like pooping on my outfits, it makes Mommy and Daddy smile. At least I think those are smiles...

I like sleeping on Mommy or Daddy, or at least being held to sleep. I get sweaty sometimes, but it's so comfy. I really don't enjoy sleeping by myself in the crib or co-sleeper. I get scared and have bad dreams. Why don't they just hold me all the time? I'm really cute, it should be easy.

I like all my new outfits. Mommy is so funny, she'll buy me anything I want. As long as it's cute, I just have to look at her with my puppy dog eyes and I get a new outfit. I even got my first tuxedo for my Uncle Barney's upcoming wedding. Wait till you guys see me in that thing. CUTE! All the ladies will be lining up for a piece of me. But I only have room for one woman in my life, my Mommy. ;)

I'll keep you all updated about other cool things I find as I grow up. I think I've still got a lot to learn even though I've been here for three and a half months. That's like a lifetime for me!

-Baby Max

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