Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daddy's first Father's Day.

Today is my Daddy's first ever Father's Day! I got him a really cool car... d. What did you expect? I'm still a baby! Mommy also helped me pick out a nice picture frame and put a pic of me and Daddy in it. He's going back to work in a few days so he can put it in his office so he won't miss me too much. My Dadddy works long hours, as does Mommy. But I have her for another 5 months!

We had dim sum this morning with Daddy and Mommy's Daddy. I was tired so I slept through most of it. I did offer to pick up the tab though.

Now we're back at Grandpa's farm and I've got wireless access here. Just wanted to put in a quick post before I go back to my day. Lots of poop to be plopped and naps to be caught. Later!


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Check out my first music video.

I've gotten a few requests for a video, so here it is. Check out my rhymes yo! I know how to put together a mean mix tape...

Please leave your comments on UToob! I hope you liked it. :)

-MC Max Qute

Visiting my Grandparents!

Well, it's Sunday. That means we're going to the farm to see Grandma and Grandpa! On the way, Mommy thought it would be fun to make another stop. I went to visit my Belgian Grandparents; the Palmans. I was sleeping, but they could still bask in the cuteness that is Max! I'll take some pictures with them next time for my blog. Papa Palmans is a big fan of my writing.

My Grandma and Grandpa live in Morgan Hill. It's totally country ya'll! I like it out here away from the hustle and bustle of the City (of Mountain View). I'm also building up my antibodies with all the wild flowers and grass 'round these parts. I'm hoping I don't have allergies like Mommy and Daddy.

My Uncle Barney is here too. I like chillin out with him, he's cool. He got Mommy a really nice camera to capture more precious moments of me. :)


Friday, June 8, 2007

3rd Day, Lots of "firsts"

What a day I'm having! Mommy let me sleep on her for a few hours, then Daddy did the same. I've never slept so well in my whole life. :)

Then we went for a little walk. I got to try out my new Mac stroller. It's pretty nice. We saw this older guy (6 mos.) with a red Bugaboo Frog. I think Daddy really wants one, but Mommy thinks it is impractical. The other Mommy said it was nice for Europe, but it's not so good for her here in the States. Mommy is right. She's always right!

After my first walk, we went home to get ready... for my first Doctor's visit! The Doc was a nice tall man. He checked me out and I passed all the tests. I'm getting good at these tests!

After that we went to Target! My first shopping adventure - Yeah! Mommy got some stuff for herself and I got some more clothes. I guess I'm smaller than M&D thought, so all my clothes are too big. Don't worry, I'm growing as quickly as I can!

More updates to come. Bye!


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hello World! (Pt. 2) What a Birth-day!

Well the big day came and went. I decided to come out and see the world. Yesterday. 9:55am to be exact. I was 3264 grams, or about 7lbs 3oz. I'm 19" tall at the moment, but will be dunking a basketball soon enough!

Mommy was really brave and went through 13hours of labor without any help. Well, Daddy was there, but she didn't take any meds. My Uncle Ducchi thinks that's crazy. Most people get something, but I appreciate my Mommy's efforts of having me naturally.

Here is my FIRST picture. I've got some goop in my eyes from the Doc, but Mommy and Daddy look pretty happy to see me! I look like I could use a tan too...

I had a bunch of people come and see me. Grandma and Grandpa came with my Uncle Barney. I also saw Auntie Virginie, Tia Shanelle, Aunt Cynthia and "The Tri Guy" and finally Unky Chris, who just made the time cut off.

I just got home from the hospital earlier this evening. Had some dinner and now I'm off to dreamland. I got a really sweet crib, will have to post some pics later.

Here's me in my "going home outfit". I'm pretty cute huh?

-Baby Max