Friday, June 8, 2007

3rd Day, Lots of "firsts"

What a day I'm having! Mommy let me sleep on her for a few hours, then Daddy did the same. I've never slept so well in my whole life. :)

Then we went for a little walk. I got to try out my new Mac stroller. It's pretty nice. We saw this older guy (6 mos.) with a red Bugaboo Frog. I think Daddy really wants one, but Mommy thinks it is impractical. The other Mommy said it was nice for Europe, but it's not so good for her here in the States. Mommy is right. She's always right!

After my first walk, we went home to get ready... for my first Doctor's visit! The Doc was a nice tall man. He checked me out and I passed all the tests. I'm getting good at these tests!

After that we went to Target! My first shopping adventure - Yeah! Mommy got some stuff for herself and I got some more clothes. I guess I'm smaller than M&D thought, so all my clothes are too big. Don't worry, I'm growing as quickly as I can!

More updates to come. Bye!


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